

A Hugh MacLeod creation

I have been asked to examine myself and my personal considerations for starting my own business.  My classmates and I have been asked to write about and read about the attributes of entrepreneurs. I have found some wonderful insight, and have even committed to mirroring those characteristics in my own life (some days are better than others).

I have read many articles, books and other commentary on the necessary traits of a successful entrepreneur.  Whatever the formula of those traits, I continually find missing something I cannot define and is better captured, again, in a cartoon by Hugh MacLeod.  If I was given no choice to define it what comes close is the word passion(often found among the listof needed traits).
I love this cartoon because it speaks volumes about me. I would not consider my creativity a talent, more of a nuisance some days. Creativity propels me. It has launched me from the bed when the covers were more inviting, distracted me from work, and has cost (and saved me) a lot of money. 
The desire to create is one of the strongest forces in my life. I would consider myself ambitious but creativity has driven me to take on the scariest of projects, the most ambitious of projects. I don’t feel it in the moment, but when I share my latest endeavor I am often met with disbelief, “What a risk!”  Funny thing is, I am not a risk taker.  Ask my mom, everything-EVERYTHING- was calculated. Instead, I am blinded.
I see the solution and obsess about it. I am not satisfied until it is completed exactly as I imagined and if the outcome is any less than perfect my new obsession is, “Where did it go wrong?”
If I could harness the power of my creativity, I could do great things.  Now, I find, it runs me over.  I find my projects fulfilling in and of themselves but cannot pull them together for a greater purpose. Harnessing this drive, defining the undefinable, would overshadow any other attributes I could possess as an entrepreneur because it proceeds them all, whether it be passion, independence, pragmatism, leadership, curiosity and more. 

About entrepreneurialyou

Entrpreneurial you
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4 Responses to Creativity

  1. The Orangesmith says:

    I can definitely identify with you on creativity being a driving force and distraction. I often find myself with a creative idea and feel the need to complete it. I know many times as an undergrad I would “waste” time on these ideas when I should have been studying or sleeping. I also would lose money on ideas that I tried to execute that maybe didn’t turn out like I thought they would. If you find out a way to harness your creativity into power let me know!

  2. Les says:

    Hi entrepreneurialyou,

    You are definitely an artist, which gives advantages and disadvantages. I never had a feel for what type of business is best for you after reading your post, or got the sense that you have strong opinions about your direction. If you are painter, that is a very difficult path to take. Other pure artistic paths are also very challenging. I have seen artistic types team up with people that have different skill sets and do very well and are happy.

  3. Rick Childress says:

    Often creative people achieve the greatest success when they find the right partner that provides the balance they need. Few people have all the traits necessary to be successful on their own. Many great businesses were started when the right individuals got together and created the synergy necessary for success.

    • Rick,

      Absolutely! I was wallowing a bit if you couldn’t tell, and this comment was constructive. We can’t all be everything to everyone. Partnerships are a great outlet. Thanks for getting my gears going, the organization I work with is currently working out a strategy to link local artists to resources to help them become better business owners. We may need to consider partnering them with a mentor instead of just instilling skills. Two prong approach!

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